Unlock the Great Outdoors
Why limit yourself to public land when there are millions of acres of private land to explore.
Oklahoma is known for it’s unique history and high percentage of both private and Native American owned land. The high plains in the northwestern portion of the state are mostly flat to rolling, while the southwestern section is a plains area with numerous little mountain ranges, such as the Antelope Hills. The eastern third of the state is largely rural and hilly, with several mountain ranges rising along its length and include the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains.
The varied landscape of Oklahoma contributes to its popularity as a hunting destination. White-tailed deer, elk, pronghorn, black bears, wild turkeys, and various upland game and migratory birds are among the wildlife that may all be found there.
Oklahoma ranks #7 in the nation for hunting license per capita and has a strong hunting culture with over 13% of the population classified as registered hunters.
The state of Oklahoma is predominantly private land and only 2.12% of the total acres could be considred huntable public land. In fact, Oklahoma ranks #44 overall in acres of public huntable land.
Oklahoma ranks #19 for the percentage of private land vs total acres and number 1 in terms of acres of tribal land.
For the most accurate information on Oklahoma Hunting Seasons, along with the state’s requirements for tag and bag limits, it’s a good idea to check with the Oklahoma DNR. We’ve provided their contact information below, along with links to helpful resources, including licensing.
PO BOX 53465
OKC,, OK 73152
Why limit yourself to public land when there are millions of acres of private land to explore.
Oklahoma’s varied terrain and wide open spaces make it an ideal place to hunt both big and small game. Below we look at some of the most popular.
Small game hunting is a popular pastime in Oklahoma, with squirrels, rabbits, pheasants, chukar, and grouse topping the list of most-hunted animals. Squirrels are the most common game animal in the state, and can be found in a variety of habitats including woodlands, forests, and even urban areas. Rabbits are another popular target, and are often found in open fields and along fence lines. Bobwhite and scaled quail, pheasants, woodcock, doves, ducks and geese, sandhill cranes, upland birds and waterfowl are just a few examples of upland game birds available in the state. For turkey hunting, three species of wild turkeys exist: Easterns in the east, Rio Grandes in the middle, and Merriams in the west. Hybrid turkeys are also abundant, particularly where the areas overlap among the Rios and Easterns.
Oklahoma is home to a variety of big game, including whitetail deer, mule deer, elk, pronghorn, and bighorn sheep. While all of these animals are popular among hunters, whitetail deer are by far the most sought-after game in the state. With their large size and distinctive antlers, whitetail deer are an impressive trophy for any hunter. In addition to their size, whitetail deer are also relatively abundant in Oklahoma, making them a popular choice for hunters who are looking for a good chance of success.
Deer can be found all across the state in habitat that includes thick oak woods, open mesas, pine-covered hills, flowing plains, and bottomland cypress marshes. Black bears can be found in southeastern Oklahoma and can be hunted both with bow and rifle each Fall. Hunting wild boars is also an option in certain parts of the state.
The hassle free way to monetize your acreage.
Oklahoma offers great hunting opportunities across the state, both on public and private land. We’ve included some of the best areas for public hunting below and as we have access we’ll be adding more private land too.
According to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, the most popular place to hunt public land is the Osage Hills Wildlife Management Area. The area offers opportunities to hunt deer, turkey, quail, and waterfowl. For those who want to venture further into the wilderness, the Cross Timbers Wildlife Management Area is also a popular choice. The area is known for its diverse wildlife, including deer, elk, bighorn sheep, and bobcats. Great Plains State Park is another popular hunting destination, offering opportunities to hunt deer, pronghorn antelope, waterfowl, and upland game birds. Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge is also a popular choice for hunters, offering a variety of wildlife species to pursue. Finally, Cookson Hills Wildlife Management Area is a popular destination for those looking to hunt deer and turkey.
1. Osage Hills Wildlife Management Area
2. Cross Timbers Wildlife Management Area
3. Great Plains State Park
4. Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge
5. Cookson Hills Wildlife Management Area
Since the majority of Oklahoma is private land getting access for hunting can be very appealing. When you hunt private land, it’s not only less crowded, the animals also tend to be less skittish and this means you’ll have a better day out in the field. Traditionally, accessing private land for hunting has been complicated and expensive. You either needed to join a club, hire a guide, or start knocking on doors.
Fortunately Wing It is simplifying this for hunters and outdoor enthusiasts of all types. We’re adding new land every day and if we have some in your area, you’ll see some options great below.