Hunting in Indiana

Indiana Hunting at Glance

Indiana has long been a top state for big whitetails, with more than 40 B&C-qualifying bucks taken every year since 2010. Hunters can also pursue wild turkeys, small game, upland birds, and waterfowl. The state has a varied topography, with rolling hills in the north and more rugged terrain in the south.

Indiana ranks #30 in the nation for hunting license per capita and has a strong hunting culture with over 3.7% of the population classified as registered hunters.

Hunters (Based on Hunting Licenses)

The state of Indiana is predominantly private land and only 2.19% the total acres could be considred huntable public land. In fact, Indiana ranks #43 overall in acres of public huntable land.

Land Types (Acres)

Indiana ranks #5 for the percentage of private land vs total acres and doesn’t have any tribal land.

Indiana Hunting Seasons & Requirements

For the most accurate information on Indiana Hunting Seasons, along with the state’s requirements for tag and bag limits, it’s a good idea to check with the Indiana DNR.  We’ve provided their contact information below, along with links to helpful resources, including licensing.

Indiana DNR

402 W. Washington St. RM W273
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Indiana Hunting Seasons 2022 – 2023

This data shows the season dates and start/end times for a variety of game animals in the state, including Red and Gray Foxes, Coyote & Striped Skunk, Opossum & Raccoon, Beaver, Turkey, Deer, Squirrel, Pheasant, Quail, Rabbit, Crow, Green Frog and Bullfrog, Eastern Snapping Turtle, Smooth & Spiny Softshell Turtles, Snipe, Woodcock, Early Teal, Dove, Ducks, Mergansers and Coots. This information is used to help hunters plan their hunting trips ahead of time and ensure that they are hunting legally within the given season dates. ​​​​​

*Hunting dates for this species may vary by zone, method of take, or subspecies of animal. Visit the state’s website here to find out more.

Indiana Hunting and Trapping Licenses

The fees below outline the cost of different hunting and trapping licenses for residents and non-residents in the state. Youth license fees are also included. These costs vary based on the type of activity being undertaken. The fees provide an important source of revenue for conservation efforts in the state.

*Hunting license data is provided for reference.  Please note, that the best source for changing license pricing is on the state DNR site.  Please see the link provided in the section above.

Unlock the Great Outdoors

Why limit yourself to public land when there are millions of acres of private land to explore.

Popular Game to Hunt in Indiana

While the most popular game is the white-tailed deer, Indiana offers hunting opportunities for pretty much anything you’d expect in the Midwest. You’ll find good upland bird hunting and rabbit or squirrel. Southern Indiana even has some bears and wolves and coyotes have been spotted throughout the state.

Small Game Hunting in Indiana

According to the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, the most popular small game animals to hunt are squirrel, rabbit, pheasant, grouse, and quail. Pheasant, grouse, and quail are less common, but they are still popular among hunters. All five of these animals can be found in many parts of Indiana, so hunters have a good chance of finding them. Each type of animal has its own hunting season, of course, so hunters need to be aware of the dates and should familiarize themselves with the state’s hunting regulations before heading out.

Big Game Hunting in Indiana

In Indiana, the most popular big game animals to hunt are white-tailed deer, black bear, gray wolf, and coyote. Hunting these animals helps to maintain healthy populations and prevent overgrazing of vegetation. White-tailed deer are the most popular game animal in Indiana, and hunters typically target males, or bucks, which have antlers. Black bears are found in southern Indiana, and they are typically hunted with dogs. Gray wolves are not as common as they once were, but they can still be found in remote areas of the state. Coyotes are commonly seen in rural areas, and they can be hunted with either firearms or traps.

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Where are the Best Areas to Hunt in Indiana

Indiana offers great hunting opportunities across the state, both on public and private land. We’ve included some of the best areas for public hunting below and as we have access we’ll be adding more private land too.

Unlock the Great Outdoors

We’re working with landowners all across Indiana to provide private land access for more activities. Add your information below to stay up to date.

Popular Public Hunting Land in Indiana

When it comes to hunting public land in Indiana, there are a few hotspots that stand out above the rest. Morgan-Monroe State Forest is a popular destination for deer hunters, as it offers over 24,000 acres of land to explore. Yellowwood State Forest is another popular spot, as it contains both hardwood and conifer forests which provide ideal habitat for deer, turkey, and other game. Brown County State Park is also a popular destination for hunters, as it offers nearly 17,000 acres of forest to explore. Clarksville Bottoms is another great spot for deer hunting, as it contains over 8,000 acres of bottomland forest. Lastly, Hoosier National Forest is a great choice for those looking to hunt multiple species of game, as it offers nearly 200,000 acres of land to explore.

1. Morgan-Monroe State Forest
2. Yellowwood State Forest
3. Brown County State Park
4. Clarksville Bottoms
5. Hoosier National Forest

Hunting Private Land in Indiana

Since the majority of Indiana is private land getting access for hunting can be very appealing. When you hunt private land, it’s not only less crowded, the animals also tend to be less skittish and this means you’ll have a better day out in the field.  Traditionally, accessing private land for hunting has been complicated and expensive.  You either needed to join a club, hire a guide, or start knocking on doors.

Fortunately Wing It is simplifying this for hunters and outdoor enthusiasts of all types. We’re adding new land every day and if we have some in your area, you’ll see some options great below.