Hunting in Texas

Texas Hunting at Glance

Texas is massive both in size and population and has more than 1 million registered hunters. At 167,625,000 acre, Alaska is second only to Alaska in land size and more than 98% of that is made of private land. These large expanses of land mostly in private ownership means the majority of hunting in Texas is done on large private ranches, which often require special permissions, leases, or access through hunting clubs and guides.

The most common type of hunting in Texas is deer hunting. Other popular types include quail, hog, and waterfowl hunts. There are also many opportunities to hunt for exotics, including African animals like zebra, oryx, giving US hunters a unique experience that would typically only be available in Africa.

Texas ranks #29 in the nation for hunting license per capita and has a strong hunting culture despite just 3.8% of the population being classified as registered hunters.

Table of Contents

Hunters (Based on Hunting Licenses)

The state of Texas is predominantly private land and only 0.949% of the total acres could be considred huntable public land. In fact, Texas ranks #47 overall in acres of public huntable land.

Land Types (Acres)

Texas ranks #4 for the percentage of private land vs total acres and doesn’t have any tribal land.

Texas Hunting Seasons & Requirements

For the most accurate information on Texas Hunting Seasons, along with the state’s requirements for tag and bag limits, it’s a good idea to check with the Texas DNR.  We’ve provided their contact information below, along with links to helpful resources, including licensing.

Texas DNR

4200 Smith School Road
Austin, TX 78744

Unlock the Great Outdoors

Why limit yourself to public land when there are millions of acres of private land to explore.

Popular Game to Hunt in Texas

Texas is a large state with many different types of hunting opportunities. The state is famous for its white-tailed deer, but hunters can also pursue alligators, javelinas, wild pigs, mule deer, pronghorn, squirrels, turkeys, waterfowl, and upland birds, among other animals. Many Texas ranches have large populations of imported non-native animals, which can be hunted year-round. Feral hogs are also found in abundance and can be hunted without restriction.

Small Game Hunting in Texas

Hunting is a popular pastime in Texas, and there are a variety of small game animals that can be hunted. The most popular types of small game hunting are squirrel, rabbit, dove, quail, and hog. Each type of animal has its own unique challenges, and hunters can choose to target one or all of these species. Squirrels are the most commonly hunted small game animal in Texas, and they can be found in wooded areas throughout the state. Rabbit hunting is also popular, and rabbits can be found in a variety of habitats including fields, forests, and marshes. Dove hunting is typically done in open areas such as wheat fields or pastures, and quail hunting usually takes place in brushy areas.

Big Game Hunting in Texas

In Texas, there are a variety of big game animals that hunters can pursue. The most popular species include white-tailed deer, mule deer, pronghorn, elk, and bighorn sheep. Each of these animals offers a unique hunting experience, and all can be found in different parts of the state. White-tailed deer are the most prevalent big game animal in Texas, and can be found in nearly every county. Mule deer are found primarily in the western part of the state, while pronghorn can be found in the Panhandle and parts of West Texas. Elk and bighorn sheep are more elusive, but can be found in a few scattered locations across the state. Some Texas ranches even have large populations of imported non-native animals and even African game such as zebras and oryx. Hog hunting is the most challenging of all the small game hunts, as hogs are difficult to track and often dangerous to approach. However, hog meat is prized by many hunters, making this type of hunt very popular. No matter what kind of big game you’re looking for, Texas has something to offer.

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Where are the Best Areas to Hunt in Texas

Texas is a large state with many different types of hunting opportunities. The state is famous for its white-tailed deer, but hunters can also pursue alligators, javelinas, wild pigs, mule deer, pronghorn, squirrels, turkeys, waterfowl, and upland birds, among other animals. Many Texas ranches have large populations of imported non-native animals, which can be hunted year-round. Feral hogs are also found in abundance and can be hunted without restriction.

Texas Hunting on Private Land

[wingit_simple_map state="TX" activities="hunting"]

Popular Public Hunting Land in Texas

Big Bend National Park, located in southwest Texas, is one of the most popular places to hunt public land in the state. The park’s diverse terrain includes mountains, canyons, and desert, providing habitat for a variety of game species including deer, javelina, and quail. Guadalupe Mountains National Park, located in west Texas, is another popular hunting destination. The park is home to elk, mule deer, pronghorn antelope, and a variety of other wildlife. Davis Mountains State Park, located in west Texas, is a popular hunting destination for deer, javelina, and quail. Caprock Canyons State Park, located in northwest Texas, is home to deer, pronghorn antelope, and a variety of other wildlife. Palo Duro Canyon State Park, located in the Panhandle region of Texas, is a popular spot for deer hunting.

1. Big Bend National Park
2. Guadalupe Mountains National Park
3. Davis Mountains State Park
4. Caprock Canyons State Park
5. Palo Duro Canyon State Park

Hunting Private Land in Texas

Since the majority of Texas is private land getting access for hunting can be very appealing. When you hunt private land, it’s not only less crowded, the animals also tend to be less skittish and this means you’ll have a better day out in the field.  Traditionally, accessing private land for hunting has been complicated and expensive.  You either needed to join a club, hire a guide, or start knocking on doors.

Fortunately Wing It is simplifying this for hunters and outdoor enthusiasts of all types. We’re adding new land every day and if we have some in your area, you’ll see some options great below.