Hunting in Utah

Utah Hunting at Glance

Utah is a visual delight from the lofty summits of the Wasatch Range in the center of the state to the magnificent sandstone arches and pinnacles of the southwest, where it is home to robust populations of large and small game.

Mule deer, elk, mountain goat, moose, bighorn sheep, pronghorn, mountain lion, and bison are among the many species of big game that may be hunted in Utah.

Utah is another great place to go hunting small game and birds. Pheasants, ducks, geese, rabbits, sage grouse, forest grouse, chukar, doves, and wild turkeys are all plentiful in the state.

Utah’s Book Cliffs, a 200-mile-long stretch of wild land that is recognized as the longest continuous escarpment in the world, are one of the state’s most famous hunting locations.

On a first-come, first-served basis, license dealers in all regions of the state sell resident and nonresident permits for general hunts. Residents can also purchase permit over the internet or at DWR offices. Permits are generally only valid for a certain unit. Lotteries grant special hunt permits that must be applied for starting in early January.

Utah ranks #18 in the nation for hunting license per capita and has a strong hunting culture with over 7.8% of the population classified as registered hunters.

Key Insights

    • Utah ranks #18 in the nation for hunting license per capita, with 7.8% of the population classified as registered hunters.
    • Utah ranks #47 in the percentage of private land vs total acres and #6 in terms of acres of tribal land.
    • The most popular small game animals to hunt in Utah are cottontail rabbits, pheasants, chukar partridges, quail, and gray partridges.
    • The most popular big game animals to hunt in Utah are mule deer, elk, mountain goats, bighorn sheep, and moose.
    • To hunt in Utah, you need to obtain a hunting license and follow the state’s hunting seasons and bag limits, which can be found on the Utah DNR website or by contacting the Utah DNR.

Table of Contents

Hunters (Based on Hunting Licenses)
Land Types (Acres)

Utah ranks #47 for the percentage of private land vs total acres and number 6 in terms of acres of tribal land.

Utah Hunting Seasons & Requirements

For the most accurate information on Utah Hunting Seasons, along with the state’s requirements for tag and bag limits, it’s a good idea to check with the Utah DNR.  We’ve provided their contact information below, along with links to helpful resources, including licensing.

Utah DNR

1594 W North Temple
Suite 2110, Box 146301
Salt Lake City, UT 78744

Unlock the Great Outdoors

Why limit yourself to public land when there are millions of acres of private land to explore.

Popular Game to Hunt in Utah

There are many different types of hunting available in Utah, from big game like elk and deer, to small game like squirrels and rabbits. The most common type of hunting in Utah is deer hunting, which accounts for about half of all hunters in the state.

Small Game Hunting in Utah

According to the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, the most popular small game animals to hunt in the state are cottontail rabbits, pheasants, chukar partridges, quail, and gray partridges. Cottontail rabbits are commonly found in brushy areas and along fence lines, making them a popular target for hunters. Pheasants are also found in brushy habitats, but they can also be found in open fields and along roadsides. Chukar partridges are native to Eurasia but were introduced to Utah in the early 1900s and have since become a popular game bird. Quail can be found in open areas with short vegetation, such as grasslands or sagebrush flats. Gray partridges are similar to chukar partridges but are native to North America. They can also be found in open areas with short vegetation.

Big Game Hunting in Utah

If you’re an avid hunter looking for a new challenge, Utah is the perfect place to start. With five different species of big game to choose from, there’s something for everyone. The most popular big game animals to hunt in Utah are mule deer, elk, mountain goats, bighorn sheep, and moose. Each species presents its own set of challenges, so be sure to do your research before heading out. For example, mule deer are known for their keen sense of smell, so you’ll need to be extra careful to avoid being detected. Elk are notoriously hard to track, so you’ll need to be patient and persistent if you want to bag one of these majestic creatures. Mountain goats are adept at scaling steep cliffs, so you’ll need to be prepared for a physically demanding hunt. Bighorn sheep are often found in remote areas, so you’ll need to be prepared for a long and difficult hike. Moose are the largest of the five species, so you’ll need to be careful not to underestimate them.

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Where are the Best Areas to Hunt in Utah

Utah offers great hunting opportunities across the state, both on public and private land. We’ve included some of the best areas for public hunting below and as we have access we’ll be adding more private land too.

Unlock the Great Outdoors

We’re working with landowners all across Utah to provide private land access for more activities. Add your information below to stay up to date.

Popular Public Hunting Land in Utah

Utah is well-known for its abundance of public land, and it’s no surprise that hunting is a popular activity in the state. Utah Lake, Antelope Island, Great Salt Lake, Bear River, and Fishlake National Forest are all popular spots for hunters. Whether you’re looking to hunt deer, elk, moose, or any other game animal, you’re likely to find what you’re looking for on one of these pieces of public land. In addition to being great places to hunt, these areas also offer stunning scenery and plenty of opportunity to explore the great outdoors. So whether you’re a seasoned hunter or just getting started, be sure to check out one of Utah’s many public hunting areas.

1. Utah Lake
2. Antelope Island
3. Great Salt Lake
4. Bear River
5. Fishlake National Forest

Hunting Private Land in Utah

Since the majority of Utah is private land getting access for hunting can be very appealing. When you hunt private land, it’s not only less crowded, the animals also tend to be less skittish and this means you’ll have a better day out in the field.  Traditionally, accessing private land for hunting has been complicated and expensive.  You either needed to join a club, hire a guide, or start knocking on doors.

Fortunately Wing It is simplifying this for hunters and outdoor enthusiasts of all types. We’re adding new land every day and if we have some in your area, you’ll see some options great below.